THE HENLEY WHALERS - 'Dorestad 2016' - Version 13/6/16 Press your REFRESH button to up-date To Homepage

The Dorestad Raid - Dates, Notes, General info, Rates, Registration, Ts&Cs, Map, Whaler entry.

Wed 14th to Sun 18nd September 2016.

Information interpreted from the organiser's website. (Based on the version beginning "Het stichtingsbestuur heeft op een Groninger Zeetjalk de afgelopen Dorestad raid geëvalueerd".)

Sailing area . Friesland. Starting and ending at Woudsend Marina at Rakken.
Some pics from the same area, 2011. Pics from 2014 (Different area but similar theme & same hotel barge)

Hotel barge "In Dubio will again accompany and pamper us".

Route.. Awaiting information.

Wed 14/9: "Evening" Launch at Woudsend Marina at Rakken. (map below).

Thu 15/9: Awaiting information.

Fri 16/9: Awaiting information.

Sat 17/9: Awaiting information.

Sun 18/9: Awaiting information. "Afternoon" Finish at Woudsend Marina at Rakken. (map below).

Notes - Googly & loosely translated

"... this year we would like a lot of young people. With sons and daughters [same as] last year"

"Again it is new moon, so pitch dark, the evening, dusk or even night sailing lures as irresistible challenge."

" [Joining on] Friday is a [possibility], still depending on wind and weather and camping possibility, but the aim is close to a station. A water taxi can be arranged."

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General information - "Algemene Informatie" - Googly translated

"The intent is that the participants without using engine complete the journey. Playful competition elements are inevitable, but a real competition is not. Most important is that everyone has fun in there.

There is daily a stage, which is guarded that anyone can accomplish, whether aided if necessary.

In the morning you will have a briefing explaining where the stage is going and what you may encounter along the way.

The idea is that every day at the end of the afternoon arrives at the accompanying mother ship, the 'in Dubio', Leo and Hannah Versloot the morning rendezvous.

The price includes evening meals, breakfast and lunch, coffee and tea. Other drinks must be paid separately. It is also expected to help once under the duty timetable with tables, decks and siding. Dietary requirements please fill in the registration form.

For an extra price you can sleep on board, if desired sets of sheets can be hired. Everything to give up the registration form.

Of course every sail at their own risk. It is thereby among other things, requires that sufficient buoyancy is in every boat, life jackets are provided and a liability insurance is taken. See also the general conditions." (in Dutch).

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"From Wednesday 17th am:
€ 250 (including 4 x dinner, all day breakfast and lunch, coffee and tea. Other beverage own account once a chore)
With overnight on in Dubio (if space): € 300

[From?] Friday:
€ 100, with dinner Friday: € 125 Reduction: t / m 21 years old: € 35.
With overnight on in Dubio (if space): € 125, with dinner Friday: € 150".

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Registration - Application form - "Inschrijfformulier" (in Dutch and some English). NB "Verenigd Konink" is United Kingdom.

Terms and Conditions - "Algemene Voorwaarden" - Googly translated

The use of small sailing and rowing boats are inherent security risks associated.
All participants in the Raid Dorestad it take part on their own account and risk.
The organizers of the Raid Dorestad accept no responsibility for any injury or damage to participants of their boats or property.
Participants in the Dorestad Raid will be liable for inflicted by themselves to other participants or third parties (e) damage or injury.
1. I confirm that I have to be aware of the inherent risks associated with the use of small sailing and rowing are connected and have read the above statement and endorse.
2. I declare therefore strictly at your own risk and expense to participate in the Raid Dorestad and organizers not for any injury or any damage will be held liable to the Dorestad Raid.
3. I certify that I am adequately prepared and possess the required navigation mans art for safe participation in the Dorestad Raid.
4. I declare that my boat and associated equipment suitable for safe participation in the Dorestad Raid.
5. I certify that I have taken all the necessary steps to participate safely in the Dorestad Raid.
6. I declare all of the above on behalf of my entire crew and am authorized by my entire crew

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Where is Rakken? - Map - More exact location click here

Dorestad Map1 PW

Sailing route. Map to follow - Awaiting information. - Approximate guide only - Not yet verified by the organiser.

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Whalers welcome to join up. - 4 options?
(1) Crew for other people on their boats. Done by ST & PW in the past.
(2) Rent a local boat. “Many there”.  Being researched by the Dutch on our behalf..
(3) Small number of crew take a small boat. - Any offers of a boat?
(4) Take Molly (subject to Geoff’s approval, enough crew, towing vehicle)..
Contact PW if interested.

Previous Visits:-
2014 - PW's pics.
2011 - PW's pics
2010 - Some pictures from CB here.
2009 - CB's photos are here . Video here.

Dates, Notes, General info, Rates, Registration, Ts&Cs, Map, Whaler entry.

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