The following was translated from - Elfwatertocht 11-15 juli -
(Henley Whalers Webmaster takes no responsibility for errors. To be sure, refer to the Dutch sites.)
The 12th of July a ' Elekrisch Varentocht ' [Electric Sailoing Tour] takes place from Ossenzijl in Overijssel to the islet ' Marchjepolle ' in the Frisian Tjeukemeer. And on 14 July, a large parade [will be] held in Leeuwarden with as many fossil-free feed and craft as possible. It all fits in perfectly with the objective of natural sailing and we are keen to encourage participation in this.
From the rowing clubs a tour is organised, to be started at RV 't Diep in Steenwijk. With stops in Echtenerbrug and in Grouw. We choose the same stops globally and may be able to connect in a number of cases.
The plan as it now looks: Wednesday, July 11th: Boats in water in Ossenzijl at the recreation centre de Kluft. There you can also stay overnight and there is a restaurant. Everything yourself checkout, prices see the link. Parking trailers and cars at the Visitors centre State Forest management there nearby. This can be locked up free of charge, but unsupervised.
Thursday 12 July: We join the electric-sailing tour of Overijssel, which starts around 11 o'clock in Ossenzijl and arrives around 14 hours on the islet Marchjepolle in the Tjeukemeer. These times are as early as the NOS makes recordings that can be broadcast in the evening. In the evening, food is served by the province on the islet, and there are maps reserved for the theatrical performance ' elms loft stuff '.

You can spend the night on your own boat or in a self-brought tent on the islet. The rowers also stay overnight on the island or on the campsite at Echtenerbrug, maybe we can help them to get to the islet, and/or back again.

Friday 13 July trip to Grouw. That is 33 km, and can therefore be a tough distance to do without motor, especially in the case of no wind or wind. But an electro motor (and engine running on blue diesel) may be used. It seems sensible to take care of this, or to ask a trail (of a fossil-free boat!) in time. But in distress we may have to tuff a piece of fossil empire. In the end, the symbolism is that you can do a lot of fossil free for pleasure sailing. Moor at Camping Yn'e Lijte in Grouw. Dinner at your own choice.

Accommodation options Grouw (if not on own boat) – Arrange yourself!:
"Yn'e Lijte" (Camping and Marina on an island), where:
Mooring spot boats €2,-per metre.
Tents: €12,-per 2 persons.
There are 5 cabins for 2 persons, costs €59,-per hut.
There are 2 cabins for 4 persons, costs €83,-per hut.
"Oer The Wood", (Stay okay) charge for the Night €26,-pp incl breakfast. Then at Camping Efrain Lyte with ferry to village, also for food and visit Grouw.
Saturday 14 July: The spectacular parade of fossil-free food and craft to the Expo in Leeuwarden. In time departure from Grouw, gather around 13 hours past Wergea for the akwaduct long part. The intention is to ' fill ' the akwaduct with fossil-free vessels, with on the road at the same time the fossil-free vehicles – the NIS makes recordings there again.

Then the journey through Langdeel and the Tynje through the centre of Leeuwarden to the exhibition grounds, arriving at around 16 hours with a closing event. Overnight we arrange for Watersport Twee Provincien, Zwemmer 1, near the lake at Hempel.

Sunday 15 July: Boats can be taken out by the public ramp on the lake. For chauffeur transport to oxen where the trailers are parked will be ensured: Bus for drivers will in principle depart at 10 o'clock.
You can sign up via the contactformulier (see the last paragraph below). You will be kept informed via the mail or asked for more information if necessary. Please report the name of the boat, type of boat, and your mobile phone number at logon.
Costs will be limited, depending on the theatre performance, dinners and overnight stays to be chosen. For the time being, we want to charge all the questions ourselves, only the bus transport Sunday we will collect and checkout centrally. Stay Marchjepolle is probably free on boat or in tent, in oxen, Grouw and Leeuwarden we reserve the places as necessary. See the mentioned links for prices.
Count for the bus Sunday from Leeuwarden to oxen on €15,-to €20,-per person. But the more signups, the cheaper it gets.
More information: On the site of the Elfwegen tour and on this site of the Elfwegen organisation.
Safety: The general conditions and safety conditions as stated on this site are also valid for this tour. These are known and accepted upon notification.
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