Henley Whalers  Port  MollyMiniPic   Starboard   Molly - Sailing - Introduction


An introduction for Guests and New Crew - PART 3 - Reefing.. . . Click here to open full in new window.

Still evolving! - .Version 15/7/19 - Press your "Refresh" button to check for updates

In case you are concerned about what happens with the wind gets up


Molly in CaledoniaAbove - The arrows indicate the area of sail "removed" when the Main-Sail is "Reefed".
Right - Reefed again. . . .

rEEFED sTB 2If -in

Reefed Stb

Above = Reefed (in a hurry?)

Reefed Neatly!

Above = Reefed NEATLY!

Trysail, No Boom, Rig over stern

"The Julia" (Try-Sail) is a small (boom-less) sail used in stronger winds. The Main is over the stern

Centre-Plate Location

Move this to the "Capsize" page.

Summary - - To be finished another day!  


How to perform reefing - To be finished another day!
How to "shake out" (remove) the reef/s - To be finished another day!

More "Re-Hydration" - (Premature consumption can lead to erroneous navigation).

End of 3rd. Session.
< Back to 1st session. Molly's sailing equipment.
< Back to 2nd session. How sails work

To Follow -
What about the jib?
Basic sail trimming for efficiency.
Tacking and Gybing. - Under construction.
What about the jib?
Safety aboard.
Capsize (rarely happens, but...)
Two really useful knots
And more!




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