Henley Whalers  Port  MollyMiniPic   Starboard   - have a problem of success!

Our "Crew Booking System" helps to ensure members will not be left on the bank
Version 19/2/19
Press your "Refresh" button to check for updates.
  1. Paid-up members get a user-name and password for the Crew Booking System - [C.B.S.]
  2. Click here to Log In - When prompted, log in. You should see a page like the example on the right.
  3. In each column, either :-
    (a) If you aim to attend, add your name in "Crew" or "Reserves". -
    The first 12 get a place.
    (b) If you might not attend, add your name in "Can't Come" (near the bottom of the screen). This helps others who might wish to invite guests.
  4. Finally, click the "Save" button. (green)
  5. If your plans change - Log in anytime, re-position your name, then click the "Save" button. The names below yours (including "Reserves") will automatically rise up the list.

  6. Uncertain of your Log-In details? - Ask someone else to sign you on, or just turn up and hope for a seat!
  7. Non-members contact the owner or click here to ask for help.
  8. Need more help? - Try the step-by-step instructions
  9. Still cant log on? - Paid your subs'? - Password expired?
  10. Other problems or suggestions? - Click here.
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